How to Draw Freddy Krueger. When it comes to 70’s and 80’s horror movies, three names have struck fear into the hearts of movie lovers—Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, and, of course, Freddy Krueger.
Also, check our cute cat coloring pages.
Freddy was perhaps the scariest of these titans of terror as he bombed his victims in their goals.
Since his debut in the actual Misery on Elm Street, Freddy has become a globally recognized pop culture icon.
How to Draw Freddy Krueger
Step 1
This first stage of our direction on how to draw Freddy Krueger is about outlining Freddy’s face.
First, draw a curved line for the jaw and chin. Next, draw two rounded shapes for the deep eye sockets.
We’ll draw their eyes to them in the next step! Finally, you can complete this step by drawing his nose.
Use a slightly curved vertical line for the bridge of her nose and then add another wavy line below for her nostrils.
Step 2
Now that you have the face outline, we can start drawing some more specific face details for your Freddy Krueger drawing.
Let’s start by drawing his eyes in the large eye sockets. You can do this by pulling two round shapes with rings inside.
Just add a point for the pupils. Next, draw a curved shape under her nose to outline her smiling mouth. Again, we’ll add some details in a later step!
Add another curved line on the side of his head for the ear and another for the side of his neck. Finally, add more curved lines for the front of the neck and one horizontal one for the beginning of the sweater.
Step 3
Freddy is a very special character when it comes to looks. Some of the most iconic parts of his design are his fedora hat and banded sweater.
In this step, we will draw these two pieces on how to tighten Freddy Krueger.
Before we work on that, let’s first draw some teeth in her smile. While Freddy is a terrifying villain, he is also darkly funny and often cracks jokes to taunt his victims.
So we’ll give him a sinister smile by drawing all of his teeth that form a smile in his mouth.
Next, draw some curved lines for the brim of his fedora hat and use more for the top. Finally, use some more wavy lines for her sweater underneath her head.
Step 4
Another iconic aspect of Freddy is the burned scar on his face. This scar is an integral part of his backstory, and we’ll start adding it to this part of your Freddy Krueger drawing.
You can do this by drawing multiple rounded shapes all over the face. These shapes don’t necessarily have to be the same shape or size, and it’s best if each is a little different!
Now that we’ve drawn these shapes, we can move on to the next step with some final details and elements.
Step 5
We will finish with some great points in this fifth step of our guide on how to draw Freddy Krueger.
We’ll make his scars even more terrifying by adding subtle details to the shapes you drew for the scars earlier. Some lines are straight, while others are curved and even twisted.
Once you’re done with the details for her face, add some details and elements of your own! One idea would be to draw an interesting background to follow Freddy.
You could recreate Freddy’s legendary boiler room!
Step 6
In our reference image, we chose brown for his fedora while using a mix of beige and pink for his face.
When it comes to her sweater, you have a few options for coloring it, as there have been quite a few variations throughout her many film appearances.
In our photo, we made her sweater red with black stripes.
This is what his sweater looked like in his first film appearance, but in later films, his sweater was usually red with green stripes.
Red and green are what it’s commonly known for, but any color combination will look great!
Your Freddy Krueger Drawing is Finished!