Genova is the best place to cure IVF | Genova IVF

Alex James


Every couple whose desire to give birth to a baby on their own still does not come true sooner or later thinks about the possibility of conducting an IVF procedure. What do these three letters mean, and what should spouses prepare for?

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is fertilization outside the body. It is a modern and highly effective technology for the treatment of infertility.

An IVF protocol may be indicated in some cases:

  • The woman has no fallopian tubes, or their obstruction is found;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Infertility of endocrine genesis with the ineffectiveness of its treatment for 2 years
  • Male infertility is associated with reduced mobility or low sperm count in the ejaculate
  • In most cases, the IVF procedure is recommended after failed attempts at traditional treatment and a year of unsuccessful efforts to conceive naturally.

However, in some cases, in vitro fertilization may be the only way to give birth to a child, as, for example, in the absence of fallopian tubes. Separately, it is worth noting that before trying to get pregnant using IVF the couple will have to undergo a full examination to reduce the likelihood of complications.

How is the IVF procedure carried out?

In vitro fertilization is a process that lasts for one menstrual cycle of a woman. It takes place in several mandatory stages, each of which is extremely important:

Stimulation of ovulation. In a normal cycle in a woman, as a rule, only one egg is “produce” by the ovary. However, this is not enough to increase the chances of successful IVF, so doctors use hormone therapy to stimulate the ovaries to produce more oocytes. Which hormones will a woman take, and what dosages are needed? In each case, the reproductologist decides bases on the current test results. In addition to stimulating the maturation of several eggs at once, hormone therapy helps prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy. An important condition for successfully completing this stage is constant ultrasound monitoring.

Follicle puncture. At this stage, all mature eggs are removed from the woman’s ovaries with a very thin needle and under continuous ultrasound control. After a couple of hours of rest, this procedure lasts only a few minutes, and a woman can go home from the clinic.

Fertilization “in vitro.” At the same time, when a woman undergoes a follicular puncture procedure, her husband will have to donate seminal fluid since immediately after receiving male and female cells, embryologists take up their work. They place sperm and oocytes in a unique environment, and this is where fertilization takes place. After fertilization, the eggs are transferred to a special incubator, where embryos will develop within 2-5 days. Embryologists constantly monitor this process to exclude any deviations in normal development and determine the timing of the “readiness” of the embryos for implantation in the uterus.

Who is shown IVF?

Embryo transfer. This stage is the most exciting for spouses and no less responsible for doctors. When the embryos are ready, they are transfer into a woman’s uterine cavity using the thinnest catheter. According to the rules of in vitro fertilization, no more than two embryos can transfer in one protocol to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies, while IVF efficiency remains quite high. At the same time, the embryologist selects the most “strong” and healthy ones from all develop embryos.

IVF last stages

Two weeks after the last stage of IVF. A woman is prescribe a blood test for hCG to determine the protocol’s success. According to the results, the doctor determines whether the long-await pregnancy occurrs.

It is important to note that the pregnancy that occurred due to in vitro fertilization is no different from the one that occurred naturally. The only significant difference is a fairly high probability of having twins. Which associate with the simultaneous replanting of two healthy embryos. Childbirth, like pregnancy, also occurs in a “normal” mode . A cesarean section is not always perform, but only for indications not related to IVF.

If pregnancy did not occur after the first attempt. This does not mean that this method is unsuitable for an infertile couple – a second IVF protocol is possible.

IVF efficiency

According to statistics, the average efficiency of the first attempt of in vitro fertilization in our clinic of IVF. And infertility treatment named after Academician Grishchenko is 50.3%. And after the second attempt, it increases to 91.2%. However, it should remembere that with some indications for ivf cost in Pakistan. It may be lower or higher. So, if IVF is performs due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes in a young woman with a good ovarian reserve. The probability of a successful pregnancy after the first attempt rises to 75.8%.

How to book an appointment?

You can book an appointment through our website “”.
Feel free to call us at “0340-111-1022″.
You can visit Genova IVF & Fertility Centre at this address ” 27 Sir Syed Rd, Block K Gulberg 2, Lahore, Punjab 54660, Pakistan”.

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